What Is A Garage Door-Side Seal? The Ultimate Guide


Are you planning a garage upgrade? Well, we know the reasons behind your decision. Poorly sealed garage doors can be the root cause of different problems. These can be water damage by snow, sleet, or rain, entry of unwanted critters and pests, leaves, debris, dust, and loss of heating or air-conditioning because of the poorly sealed garage doors.

Being an important part of your enclosure, garages are crucial to maintaining. As the garages house vehicles, their construction should be seamless. This is the reason this article features a garage door side seal. The ordinary-looking garage door side seal can be of great use. To know more about this type of seal, keep reading!

What Is A Garage Door Side Seal?

Also known as weather stripping and astragal, side seals are present around the four sides of the garage door. Its installation is done compactly to give the garage door a completely sealed look, with no chances of invasion by environmental elements like moisture and dirt.

What Does The Garage Door Side Seal Do?

Unprofessional construction or time is responsible for cracks or spaces left around the garage doors. These tiny open spaces are the gateways for insects, critters, and pests to invade the garage. Other than these creatures, environmental elements like dirt, debris, moisture, rainwater, etc., can easily enter the garage’s premises.

A garage door side seal simply seals these opened fissures and gives your garage a more compact, professional, and neat look. A well-built door with proper seals around it gives your garage door a curb and professional appeal.

Construction And Features Of Garage Door Side Seal

  • These seals are made up of foamed and cellular PVC material. This brilliant combination aids in their strength against bearing pressure, extreme heat, or freezing temperatures.
  • This package is available and two side pieces and one top piece.
  • A range of side seals according to variable lengths is available, which includes 7, 8, 9,10,12,16, and 18ft.
  • To match your garage’s door, color availability is ensured too. Colors like White, Almond, Dark Brown, Charcoal Brown, Sandstone, and Black are available.

Advantages Of A Garage Door Side Seal

Garage door side seals offer you more like;

  1. Proper sealing with a door side seal increases the efficiency and usability of your garage. Since it closes the way for many unwanted elements, it boots the user’s confidence to utilize his property to the max.
  2. The best adhesives, with their water-light seal, provide strong adhesion between the door’s side and the bottom of the floor.
  3. Door side seals are your ultimate help towards making your garage waterproof.
  4. The door side seals are almost zero maintenance. Either zero or low maintenance, these seals experience no rotting, wrapping, twisting, or splitting.


Suppose you have been recently upset because of the tiny openings in your garage’s door’ sides. The door side seals are the accessories supremely required for your garage. Make your garage dustproof and waterproof, and protect it against extreme weather and bugs.


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